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Tie sustainability goals and objectives into the operations and maintenance and capital improvement program budget process.

Organizations often need to operate within the confines of aging infrastructure in need of repair, replacement or expansion. A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning tool to forecast spending over a set period of time and thereby match projected revenues and major capital needs. The CIP is a statement of the organization’s policies and financial abilities to manage the physical development of the plan. It enables organizations to direct limited resources to high priority assets, sustain the long-term mission delivery capability of their asset portfolio, while achieving sustainability mandates. Capital planning is therefore an important management tool that strengthens the linkages between infrastructure needs and the financial capacity of an organization and is a strategic way of incorporating current and future sustainability goals. The development of a CIP provides a systematic plan for providing infrastructure improvements within a prioritized framework. High-performance capital improvement projects save energy, increase the comfort, health and safety of users, and help steward valuable environmental resources. At airports specifically, an effective operations and maintenance and CIP needs to sustain the airport, and meet the future needs of airlines, cargo operators, and the traveling public.

Practice Information

Capital Cost: Low Cost ($5,000 – $100,000 US)
O&M Cost: Low ($5,000 – $50,000 US)
Payback Period: Short (2 – 5 years)
Staffing Requirements: Moderate (50 – 200 hours per month)
Reportability of Metrics: Qualitative metric
Maturity of Practice: Trial tested
Energy Reduction: Decreases energy consumption and generates renewable energy
Environmental Benefits: Significant, multiple environmental benefits
Social Benefits: Significant, multiple social benefits

Airport Characteristics


Case Studies


San Diego International Airport (SAN)

Asked to develop a first ever 20-year Capital Improvement Plan and budget, the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Authority) needed a way to look across the whole system for San Diego International Airport's 661 acre campus to collaborate and innovate, and to ensure that their outcomes were aligned with their sustainability goals. As a part of this work, the Authority has worked to clarify the connection of the airport's investments to sustainability. By maintaining its assets and extending their life, the Authority is fostering multiple aspects of sustainability, and embracing the concept that the greenest, most economically viable buildings, infrastructure assets, or equipment are the ones that they don’t have to build or replace; and, when assets have reached the end of their life, there is great opportunity to find the most resource-efficient and resilient replacements.

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